Google Business Profile Workshop in Florence on 8/10/23

FLORENCE! Join us for a Google Business Profile Bootcamp on 8/10! This is a free workshop to help your business grow. . .

Hey there, friends and fellow small business owners in Florence, Oregon! We will be in your lovely town with RAIN to give a Google Business Profile workshop on Thursday, August 10th at 6pm at Empowered Living Wellness Center, 138 Maple Street. We will be covering the ins and outs of Google Business Profile, how to start or claim one for YOUR business, and the best practices for ongoing usage and maintenance of your profile on Google. We would love it if you would join us for this event! It is free to attend, and you are welcome to bring your laptop, tablet or other device for one-on-one consultation. RSVP to your local RAIN coordinator if you can, or you can let us know here and we’ll get word to RAIN. Hope to see you there!

Need Google Business Profile help for your business or for your entrepreneur group? We do mobile for any group, and occasionally in-person workshops if you’re within a day’s round trip drive. Just let us know!

RSVP for Florence Workshop on 8/10

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Google Business Profile Bootcamp - A free workshop to help your business grow!

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