Buy time blocks now for the best deal!

Need some help with your website? Our time blocks are a great way to hire us and prepare for your future needs.

This is a great time to pre-purchase some of our time to have in stock for when you need updates!

Fair warning: come 2023 we will be rearranging our pricing structure, and while we don’t have the specifics carved in stone yet, the changes will very likely include a small price increase to reserve blocks of our time. So yes, now is the best time to buy time blocks — They don’t expire and can be used to make any updates that you need!

For those of you that haven’t used our time block system to purchase time from us, here is how those work:

  • You purchase a block of our time in advance of when you need it.
  • As you need our assistance with updates, training, design, development (etc), we will tick away at those time blocks until they are used up.
  • When they are used up, you can choose to buy another so you’ll always have time on hand in case something comes up.
  • We record our time by the minute to give you the best value for your money.
  • And time blocks don’t expire, so if you don’t use it all up this year, you’ll still have it around for next year!

Sound like a good idea? Just get a hold of us to purchase yours today!

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